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Category: Career Change Topics

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jobs for people with disabilities

Career Planning: 10 Types of Jobs for People with Disabilities

As of December of 2017, 30.8% of people with disabilities in the U.S. were currently employed. This number is on the rise, as more workplaces strive to use inclusive practices in their hiring and training procedures. Having a disability should not prevent you from finding a rewarding career. The job hunting process is always a...

recruitment strategy

3 Tips to Improving Your Skilled Worker Recruiting Strategy

In the trade field, hiring is more involved than posting a job listing on Craigslist. When looking for skilled, qualified workers, businesses don’t often have the luxury of time, and training new employees in the nuances of a specific trade isn’t possible. Make the most of your resources and hone your strategy to find a...

learning a trade

Why Learning a Trade Can Be a Great Career Option

Many high schools in the nation push colleges and universities for their students. Because of this, tons of students think that getting a four-year degree is the only way to be successful. However many don’t consider a shorter and more beneficial option: trade school. There seems to be some contempt for blue-collar workers, but at...

going back to school

Top 5 Ways Going Back to School Can Improve Your Life

Did you know that on average, those with bachelor’s degrees earn 84 percent more income over the course of their lives than those with high school diplomas alone? Besides the massive pay gap, college graduates are also more likely to capture new jobs. Instead of relying on a high school diploma to eke out your...


How An Adult Education Certificate Further Your Career

Are you thinking about going back to school? An adult education certificate means a smart move in many respects. It can provide you with valuable skills you need to advance your career further. It can even help you establish new contacts within your industry, paving the way for higher salaries and new job growth. But...