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3 Tips to Improving Your Skilled Worker Recruiting Strategy

recruitment strategy

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

In the trade field, hiring is more involved than posting a job listing on Craigslist. When looking for skilled, qualified workers, businesses don’t often have the luxury of time, and training new employees in the nuances of a specific trade isn’t possible.

Make the most of your resources and hone your strategy to find a candidate that is qualified, certified, and ready to start on Monday!

Finding the right person for the job requires a strong recruiting strategy. Need help refining your strategy? This article dives into the ins and outs of hiring employees that last.

Create an Actual Recruiting Strategy

It’s important to have an actual strategy. Too many businesses consider a quick search on Indeed strategy when, in fact, it’s a time-waster.

Take the time to sit down with your coworkers and map out a recruiting process that your company will be able to use time and time again.

What do successful recruiting strategies involve? Well, a few things. The first step in a refined process is identifying if you’re looking for someone straight out of trade school or someone more experienced. Is this a temporary position, or do you have the resources to keep them for the long haul?

Incentives are the best way to keep skilled, reliable workers. Incentives include respectable pay, benefits, employee referrals, steady work, and training if needed.

Take a long look in your company’s mirror and ask if you’re currently offering any of these benefits. If not, you may be experiencing a high level of turnaround. If that’s the case, it’s worth exploring incentive improvement across the board.

Invest in your employees and they’ll invest in your business.

Know the Industry

It’s not enough to know about your own projects. Do research on the state of the industry, new trends, and any issues you need to be aware of.

You may think that knowing the latest trends doesn’t coincide with recruiting strategies when that’s where it begins!

Subscribe to industry newsletters and publications so you get the inside scoop on layoffs, closures, and anything that may affect trade workers.

Check websites like Manufacturing and Industry Week to stay up-to-date on major events in the industry.

Build Your Brand

The best-skilled worker recruiting strategy is to show that your company is a place they want to be working for.

Build your digital brand via social media and your own website. Share videos of your employees, give real-life examples of the work culture, and solidify yourself as a trustworthy voice of authority.

Invest in an updated, mobile-responsive website and include a career tab for trade workers to apply through your site.

Thinking of Trade School?

A recruiting strategy is only as good as the recruits! Trade programs open the door for incredible opportunities for both the graduate and the employer. And, generally, trade schools do not charge the employer or the graduate to match them into positions. Trade school graduates are typically new in their field and often eager to please their employers with their entry-level skills. Men and women are turning towards trade programs for steady pay and peace of mind.

Are you, or do you know someone, that’s considering trade school? Check out our HVAC and Electrical trade programs to find the reliable career you’ve been searching for.

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PDQ Staffing
PDQ Staffing
4 years ago

Excellent post! Thanks for sharing helpful tips on how to improving skilled worker recruiting strategy.

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