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How to Find a New Career You May Find Enjoyable

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

We’ve all taken that job that was meant to be a stepping stone to have it turn into a tombstone. Paychecks are so addictive that before we know it, we’re stuck. When you have dependents, it’s scary even to consider leaving and pursuing something else.

Sometimes, we need to be scared. It’s motivating. When staying in a soul-destroying job is more frightening than leaving, you’re ready. Too many people choose to stay and never reach their full potential.

If you are wondering how to find a new career, that’s a good sign. It means you recognize you have no future where you are now and are not fulfilled. If you spend your day at work dreaming about a different life, here’s how to find it.

How to Find a New Career

Regardless of whether you took the first job offered or followed a path that someone else wanted you to, there is no shame in disliking your job. Most people do.

We don’t like our wages; we don’t get along with people we work with, worse if it’s our boss and we see no room for improvement. When one of these is a factor, that’s stressful.

When you combine them all, it’s a disaster. As a result, our work suffers, our home life suffers, and it takes a toll on our mental and physical health, as well. Many people stay because they fear the unknown. We say, embrace it.

Make A Decision

The first step to finding a new career is wanted one. Once you plant that seed, it has no option but to grow. It doesn’t mean you need to storm out of your workplace, but you will now be thinking about it.

Once that seed starts to grow, you will follow it until you find what will work best for you and your situation. It can only open more doors of opportunity, some you have never even considered.

Don’t pick a career solely based on money. You won’t find satisfaction. You need more than a paycheck. Find something you love to do and start building your job options around those.

Consider Your Options

Look at your friends’ careers, make a list of your passions, and look outside of your circle. Pick up a college calendar and look through it to see if anything jumps out.

It’s a great place to start. You can do some research on these programs to see what to expect in the course, in the field, and if there is a need for people. There are certain types of occupations that will always be in demand.

Attend a career day. These pop up regularly in communities, and it gives you a chance to meet people who work in the area and ask questions. They provide written materials you can take and do more research on your own.

Get An Assessment

While you are attending career day, make an appointment with a career and work counselor. They can set you up with aptitude tests, help with a new resume and provide valuable information for changing careers.

They have the tools to show you how to take your skills and transfer them to your new career choices. Building a new career out of your interests, your skills, what you need from a new career, and the environment you prefer to work are all possible.

Even if you know what you want to do, talk to a counselor about what to expect, jobs available in your area, and how much training is involved. They have access to all kinds of career information.

Make A List

Having these new ideas down on paper help you start digging a bit deeper. Here you look closer at the job descriptions, the educational and skill requirements, and what to expect as a wage.

Making an alternative list is smart; just because one aspect of the career is off-limits doesn’t mean you don’t qualify for others. Please keep an open mind, especially when it comes to your dream job.

Picking a career that is trending might not always be the right choice. It means more people will be chasing it, and the competition will be that much harder. In-demand jobs are smart choices if you have what it takes to get them.

Talk to People in the Field

You will get a far better understanding of your new career choice by asking some honest questions. Make appointments with people who work in the field you are looking at.

Ask them the real questions you have, not things you think you should ask. You need to know if this will be a proper fit for you, so make a list of your fears and address them.

Don’t talk to recruitment consultants, your co-workers, or people who are not on your side. Take all advice with an open mind. When people tell you, ‘you can’t, what they are really saying is, ‘I can’t.’

Look For an Internship or Shadow Someone

If you have decided to become a chef or a nurse, find out about getting an internship. You won’t be working as a chef, but you will see firsthand how the day-to-day operation is handled.

It’s the best way to get a feel for the field. You may decide it’s just the ticket, or you might find it far too stressful. Spending a few weeks or months with practical experience is the best way to decide if you wish to pursue it further.

If that isn’t an option, ask if you can shadow someone to get a feel for the place. It will likely only be a day or two, which could prove to be plenty of time to make up your mind.

Set Realistic Expectations

There will be an adjustment. You can’t walk out of your lowly job into a new career overnight. There will be training, education, and working your way up. Don’t look to fast-track the process and cut corners.

Keep your expected income in check, as well. It’s nice to dream about the bigger pay, but it probably won’t be on your first check.

It can be a real shock if you are older. You might be used to having some seniority where you work, but that will be gone. Age won’t matter when it comes to the pecking order.

Start Slow

If you are not in a position to leave your job, start with some evening courses. These can be directly associated with the new path or something that is needed. This is a great way to start your training and education and still keep your paycheck.

The financial aspect is important. Keeping the job and taking courses keeps you afloat. It’s a great incentive to continue as you learn more and understand the potential you have.

It’s good advice to enter a new area where you have very little knowledge or experience. Small steps are a better way to gauge what will come next.


If you know someone who works in the area you want, ask about apprenticeships. This differs from an internship in that the apprenticeship is a job and training. It may be in conjunction with your education or courses.

These can last up to several years but allow you to become fully trained and receive your needed license or certificate. It’s a win-win for the employer and you. There are programs and incentives available for these situations.

This is often a great choice for people who already have similar skills and training. It can be less of a change for some and the ability to enhance their knowledge. It’s also a great way for someone who already works in a particular field to move up.


You may well shudder at the thought of returning to school. If you need to finish high school, attend a technical college or university, do it. Don’t be afraid. Adult education is a gift you give yourself.

You will fall right back into the swing of things. Don’t be intimidated. If there are funding issues and you need to keep your job, there are evening or weekend classes or online options.

Getting top-notch training is also networking. You are meeting your future workmates, bosses, partners, and mentors. Meeting like-minded people can only help you grow.

The First Step is The Biggest

There is no such thing as a job for life. The very workplace has changed dramatically over the past few years and continued to do so. People are starting their own companies, working from home, and freelancing.

In these cases, gone are the long commutes, the long days for little money and not being appreciated. People are taking control of their careers, and so they should be. How to find a new career is right here.

You’ve made the decision; now follow through. Please don’t do it alone; there are many people out there to help you. Please continue reading here for more information about some courses you may find pique your interest and are available to get you started on a new career path.

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