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Why More and More People are Choosing Trade Schools Over Colleges

Trade schools

Let’s play a little game of would you rather. Would you instead sit behind a desk all day or work in a trade job where you can make more money and enjoy what you’re doing? This is a very quick and easy answer for some, but others might feel a little skeptical due to high schools pushing four-year colleges.

For the skeptical ones, here are a few reasons why more and more high school graduates are going on to trade schools vs. going to a four-year college.

1. What is a Trade School

Trade schools are educational institutions that teach skills related to a specific job. They have a more streamlined approach to learning by providing their students with a certain skill set rather than giving a general education.

Usually, trade school training takes less time to complete, there are smaller class sizes, and many of the lessons you receive are hands-on. The combination of these things creates an ideal class environment for many students trying to gain the skills to polish their craft.

2. Trade School Takes Less Time

Trade schools often take less time to complete than four-year universities. Obtaining a bachelor’s degree takes four years. By that time, you’re 22 years old or older and have taken quite a bit of time you could have spent getting experience in your chosen field. You might spend much of that four years taking classes that have nothing to do with your major to fulfill credit requirements. You may become frustrated taking the classes and may find it to be a waste of your valuable time.

3. It Can Be Easier on the Wallet

The average millennial who went to a four-year university has around 30,000 dollars of debt hanging over their head. That’s because most bachelor’s degrees can cost up to $127,000 (according to the Idaho Department of Labor ). That doesn’t even count dorm life, laundry, or expensive textbooks. The average trade school certificate or associate degree costs between $16,000 and $33,000. That’s the price of one year at some universities. Comparing that to $127,000, you get a considerable saving in dollars. A less expensive degree means less school debt, and less school debt makes for a less stressed-out and bitter adult.

4. Dropout Rate

Another drawback to a university is that some students aren’t ready to leave the nest yet. They haven’t prepared for the rigorous life of a four-year college. Many go because people tell them they need to and not because they know what they want to do. This can create an alarming dropout rate.

The bad thing is that if you drop out before receiving your degree, you will still come out with heavy expenses and no degree to show for it. Many students will combat this by going to a two-year first to gain their associates and then transfer credits to a university.

This is a pretty good strategy because you figure yourself out before you leave home, but it can still leave you in massive debt. This can be a pretty good strategy because you figure yourself out before you leave home, but it can still leave you in massive debt. Consider taking a break for a year or more to figure yourself out and then going to a trade school to harness your skills could be the way for you. It shouldn’t be a race when figuring out what you want to do in life. Take life at your own pace.

5. Economic Conditions Have Changed

In high school, you were probably told that the world would be your oyster if you got a bachelor’s degree. Once you have that degree, you can get whatever job you want. Well, most students are graduating with their bachelor’s to discover this isn’t true. With the changes in the labor market, students are graduating with their bachelor’s only to face unpredictable or limited job opportunities and higher student debt. There is a large demand for high-skill precision jobs, so you can get a positive return by attending a trade school.

6. Jobs You Can Get From a Trade School

Now that we’ve gone over all these benefits, you might ask yourself what kind of jobs you can get by getting a degree from a trade school. Here are a few of many.

  • Electricians
  • HVAC Technician
  • Pharmacy Technician
  • Medical Assistant
  • Business Administration
  • Solar Installation
  • Cyber Security
  • Drug And Alcohol Counseling
  • Behavioral Health Assistant

If you have a passion or drive to do any of these jobs, we recommend you consider going to a trade school instead of the alternative.

7. Salaries for Trade School Jobs

The salaries for trade school jobs are nothing to sneeze at. It’s a good idea to look for any sites specific to your field for salary data. These sites may have information on industry average wages, mainly if your field’s rarer.

A lot of trade schools also come hand-in-hand with strong job placement programs. If you work hard and do well in your classes at school, you’ll be able to take advantage of these awesome programs to help you land the job of your dreams faster.

Trade Schools Might be the Best Option for You

So, now that we’ve given you all this information, let’s go back to that game of would you rather? What would your answer be now that a trade school provides you with specific skills that you will need and that you can get a job sooner? Trade schools can pave the way for you bringing in more money and allowing you to do a job you enjoy and that will be rewarding.

If you’re ready to start your path to the future with a trade school, check out our various degree programs to get started!

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