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Author: Thomas (Thomas Ferriere)

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military spouse education

Military Spouse Education: 5 Education Benefits For Military Spouses

If you’re a military spouse considering furthering your education, you’re lucky! There are several education benefits available specifically for military spouses. Read on to discover five essential military spouse education benefits you might be eligible for. Military Spouse Education The military, governments, and schools offer many different ways to obtain an education. Whether you need...


What Is a Medical Assistant? Job Description and Outlook

What is a medical assistant, and should you become one? If you’re thinking about going back to school, you might consider a medical career. But many jobs in the medical field require lengthy degrees, exams, and certifications before you can begin your career. One of the top allied health career options that don’t require years of schooling is the...

dropping out of school

Why Dropping Out Of School Is Unnecessary And What To Do Instead

The idea of going to school is always appealing on some level. Whether it’s the idea of learning something new, feeling accomplished, or setting yourself for some level of professional success, there are undeniable pros to completing any level of schooling.  That said, the reality of working through school can be a pretty difficult one....

COVID-19 Online Learning

Health Crisis – InterCoast Colleges’ Hybrid Learning Program is keeping current students’ career goals on track.

Health and safety are a priority, and adhering to the government-mandated precautions will help all of us weather this storm. With these provisions in place, many are finding it next to impossible to continue their education and career training. Fortunately, InterCoast has a solution to tackle these obstacles, while still maintaining a safe and healthy...

8 Common Myths About Changing Careers, Debunked

8 Common Myths About Changing Careers, Debunked

Everyone knows that college is a time to find yourself and decide what you want to do in your life. 80% of university students change their major at least once during this time in their lives. Reading this, you may be filled with validation- it’s a beautiful thing, after all, when young people find the...

How to Create an Awesome HVAC Resume: Your Complete Guide

How to Create an Awesome HVAC Resume: Your Complete Guide

You’re all done with your necessary training and are ready to start applying for jobs in the HVAC field. Before you can start putting in applications, you’re going to need to create your resume. It’s the necessary first step to getting into any workforce. It shows the employer what you can do and gives them...