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The Benefits of Becoming an HVAC Technician

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Do you feel like you’re stuck in a dead-end job that you dread going to every day? Do you want to work in a career field that’s exciting and fulfilling and offers a competitive salary? Do you like helping people, and do you want to work in a job where you can find creative solutions to challenges every day?

If any of this sounds like you, you may enjoy a career as an HVAC technician. Read on to learn more about this job and all the amazing benefits it can bring to your life.

What Does an HVAC Technician Do? 

Before we dive into all the benefits of being an HVAC technician, let’s talk some about what these trade professionals do every day. As you might expect, HVAC technicians can work on residential and commercial heating and air conditioning systems. Depending on your position, you may conduct repairs on various units, install them, and check them to make sure they’re working properly.

An HVAC technician can wear many hats, ranging from offering customers new systems when their old ones wear out to helping people troubleshoot their existing systems. They may need to test systems regularly to make sure everything is working as it should. And in addition to repairing broken-down units, an HVAC technician may conduct preventive maintenance to keep everything running smoothly.  These are examples of many duties HVAC technicians may find themselves doing.

Variety in Your Work

Being an HVAC technician means that you don’t always find yourself doing the same thing every day. HVAC technicians may find more excitement in doing multiple tasks on a given day. 

For example, as an HVAC technician, you might spend Monday installing a new unit on someone’s house and doing routine maintenance rounds on Tuesday. Wednesday, you might need to talk to an owner about whether it’s time to invest in a new unit, and Thursday, you might have a house call to repair someone’s broken unit. You may find variety in your work, and you’ll likely find that you’re almost never bored.

Problem Solving 

Do you like finding creative ways to tackle the challenges you run into? Do you enjoy finding a clever solution to a problem or figuring out ways to make something work better? If so, you’ll likely thrive working as an HVAC technician – creative problem solving is a huge part of this job.

Many air conditioning systems have different setups, and there may not be a one-size-fits-all solution in every situation. You may have to help a homeowner figure out the best way to run the ductwork that meets their space needs or help another locate the best system for installation into their space. You might find yourself checking out problems in broken-down units and figuring out ways to make people more comfortable every day.

Active Work

When most of us think of a boring job, we might picture someone sitting at a desk in a cubicle working on a computer all day. Desk jobs may be considered tedious to you after a while, but you likely won’t experience that type of boredom as an HVAC technician. You’ll get to be on the move, driving out to different customer locations and working on the systems there.  Depending on your position, you may find yourself moving on your feet all day, and this movement is healthier than sitting with no activity.  Did you know that people who sit all day are generally at higher risk for heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolisms, obesity, and more?

Job Opportunities in Many Places 

One of the big challenges people in many different career fields face is a lack of opportunity in their area. In some careers, if you can’t find a job where you live, you could be looking at moving to a different county or city. This can be complicated if you’re married or have a family who would have to move with you.

Luckily, HVAC technicians can be found in various areas, as people everywhere need their homes and businesses to be at a comfortable temperature, so HVAC companies set up shop to meet those needs. Whether you want to stay in your hometown or move somewhere new and exciting, you have a reasonable chance of finding a job as an HVAC technician there. Like any field, if you plan to move, it is suggested you check out the local area to ensure you meet the qualifications in that region to work in the field or if you will need other supplemental training. 

Income Opportunities

When looking at new career fields, one of the first things you need to consider is how much money you can make. And, of course, your income will depend significantly on where you live, the specific job you take, and how much you are willing to work. That being said, there are some substantial income opportunities available for HVAC technicians who are eager to work in various positions and ready to work long hours, as required.  We suggest you check with Indeed or other employment ad organizations to find the opportunities available to HVAC technicians.

Strong Job Security 

Another factor you need to consider when picking your career path is what sort of job security it affords. No matter what else is going on in the world, people will always want their homes to be at a comfortable temperature. HVAC systems break down and need to be repaired and replaced over time. This means that, in general, you can expect the HVAC industry to be around and for there to be a need for technicians for the long haul.

Is there Job Satisfaction?

We all want to feel like our work is making a positive difference in the world and that there’s a purpose to what we’re doing. As an HVAC technician, you’ll likely see the proof on your customers’ faces. 

When you get someone’s HVAC system working again, you drastically improve their lives. People can be comfortable in their homes, and small businesses can have a better chance of drawing in customers. You can be a part of improving lives in a real, tangible way every single day, and there’s no better satisfaction in the world than that!

Short Training Time 

For many people, the thing holding them in their current career is the time it would take to train for a new one. Most college degrees take two to four years or more to complete, and in the meantime, you’re living without an income, lower income, or in a job, you don’t want to be in or don’t like. This transition period can be expensive and unpleasant, and many people opt just to stay where they are instead.

If you obtain training as an HVAC technician, you won’t have to worry about the problem of being in school for 2-4 years or more. You won’t need an associate’s or bachelor’s degree. You can go to a trade school to learn what you need to know. At InterCoast Colleges, you can graduate in less than a year and launch your career in the HVAC industry.

Discover the Benefits of Becoming an HVAC Technician

Being an HVAC technician can come with various benefits, from short training time to job opportunities and job satisfaction. You have a chance to work in an active field with competitive pay. You can complete your program in as little as 32 weeks and seek work in a career that makes a tangible difference in people’s lives every day.

If you’d like to take the next step towards your new career as an HVAC technician, check out the rest of our site at InterCoast Colleges. We offer certifications and training programs for various industries, from cybersecurity and alcohol and drug counseling to electrical training and more. Check out our HVAC technician program today and take the next step toward your new career.

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