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addiction counselors

The Role of Addiction Counselors in Recovery

Addiction is a deep-rooted disease. Drug and alcohol addicts suffer from more than just the effects of substance abuse. Their issues are psychological, usually resulting from a mental disorder or even from an event in their past. This is why addicts need professional psychological help during the recovery process. Addiction counselors aid an addict in...

what can you do with a business administration degree

What Can You Do With a Business Administration Degree?

“Would you like fries with that?” is not what you want to be asking after the completion of a degree. The problem is, many degrees are too specified and only allow work in that sector. Many other degrees aren’t really functional in the working world. How do you prevent this problem? By earning a degree...

how to become an electrician

How to Become an Electrician: 5 Easy To Follow Steps

With traditional four-year college degrees taking students on average 5.5 years or longer to complete, more and more people are opting to go to trade schools and apprenticeship programs that allow students to be employment-ready after training. One of these options is becoming an electrician, which offers a competitive salary and many job opportunities once...

high school diploma or ged

College 101: High School Diploma or GED?

You’ve already made the decision to attend college. That’s an awesome choice that will take you to many interesting, new places and will help you build a lasting career. But how do you get there? With some preliminary schooling, of course. This guide will help you decide whether you should prepare for college with a...

learning a trade

Why Learning a Trade Can Be a Great Career Option

Many high schools in the nation push colleges and universities for their students. Because of this, tons of students think that getting a four-year degree is the only way to be successful. However many don’t consider a shorter and more beneficial option: trade school. There seems to be some contempt for blue-collar workers, but at...

going back to school

Top 5 Ways Going Back to School Can Improve Your Life

Did you know that on average, those with bachelor’s degrees earn 84 percent more income over the course of their lives than those with high school diplomas alone? Besides the massive pay gap, college graduates are also more likely to capture new jobs. Instead of relying on a high school diploma to eke out your...