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Category: Electrical Industry

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A Guide to Choosing an Electrical Training Program

A Guide to Choosing an Electrical Training Program

According to, the average salary for an electrician is about $56,900 a year. On top of being lucrative, this career field is also in high demand. No matter where you live, trained electricians should be needed.  Before you can start, however, you will need to get your education by enrolling in an electrical training...

what does an electrician do

What Does an Electrician Do? A Comprehensive Career Guide

Did you know that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 700,000 jobs were available for electricians in 2021? Electricians play a vital role in residential and commercial settings, helping with everything from fixing in-home lighting to wiring large-scale buildings. But what exactly does an electrician do? And how can you start a...

Why An Electrician Certificate is a Good Investment

Why An Electrician Certificate is a Good Investment

Learning a trade can be an empowering and life-changing decision. One of the most attractive benefits of trade-related occupations is job availability. In your area, there will likely be a need for an electrician, plumber, or auto mechanic.   These jobs are important. A crucial part of having a trade-related job is proper education. To build...

10 Benefits of Electrical Training for Your Career Prospects

10 Benefits of Electrical Training for Your Career Prospects

One popular trade to enter is in the electrical field, currently employing over 739,000 workers across the United States (according to the BLS as of September 2021). Electricians are a popular trade for a reason, having positive job prospects, a strong work environment, and generally good opportunities, and potentially the availability of benefits. So, what...

Trade Jobs in the Future

Trade Jobs in the Future

Automation is a growing concern across all careers. Anything repetitive and easy to replicate is subject to automation, and it could affect up to 800 million people in your lifetime. Luckily, there are still plenty of trade jobs that won’t be falling victim to this fate any time soon. Let’s talk about some trade jobs that aren’t...

electrician in the Green Economy

What Role Do Electricians Play in the Green Economy?

According to OurWorldInData, there has only been one year when renewable energy has been on the decline in the past decade. Green energy is on the increase and will need people to build and maintain its infrastructure. But to what level can you find a place in this burgeoning opportunity? This article will describe your...