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Online Learning vs Hybrid Learning: Why Hybrid Learning Is Best

Online Learning vs Hybrid Learning: Why Hybrid Learning Is Best

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

It’s never been a better time to be a hybrid learner. If you’re gearing up for a course that’s not in-person, you may wonder: what’s the difference between online and hybrid learning? Online courses take place 100% online. Hybrid classes blend in-person and online learning.

These two education formats may be similar. But, after reading this guide, we think you’ll agree that the benefits of hybrid learning far outweigh those of purely online courses.

What are the benefits of hybrid over online learning, and how can you choose which is right for you? We’re answering these questions and more in this guide, so you better keep reading. 

Online Learning vs. Hybrid Learning

As we mentioned above, online classes take place 100% away from a physical location. Students can take online courses from the comfort of their own homes with no commuting required. 

Hybrid programs, on the other hand, take place in a blended format. This is why they’re sometimes called blended learning classes.

Blended learning requires you to spend anywhere from 25to 50% of your time in class, depending on the program. The remainder of your education takes place online. 

Of course, these instruction formats can be contrasted with in-person classroom courses. In-person lectures have long been the standard learning format, especially in US universities.

With this style of learning, students must attend physical lectures 100% of the time. And most in-person classes even grade you on attendance. That means if you miss a lecture, it could affect your grade. 

In-person learning may have been the standard before the pandemic. But now, 55% of US colleges offer purely online or hybrid course catalogs, while only a small percentage of schools offer only fully in-person classes. 

Why the switch up? Hybrid and online courses offer some incredible benefits that physical learning never could. And we’re talking all about those benefits next. 

Benefits of Hybrid and Online Learning vs. Classroom Learning

Want to take an online or blended course but think it can’t possibly be as educational as in-person classes?

Then feel peace of mind because studies show that hybrid and online learning are as effective as traditional education. 77% of academic leaders say that online learning outcomes are similar to or better than in-person classes. 

Here’s why.

More Flexibility

Having the school option online gives you the flexibility to juggle your full-time job, family, and childcare responsibilities. And in the meantime, you don’t have to sacrifice your education.

Online and hybrid learning can take place wherever you are located. That means you don’t have to miss a lecture if you or your child is sick. Instead, you can complete your work online until you’re ready to return to class. 

Similarly, you may feel too tired to focus on learning after a long day at work. Instead of forcing yourself to attend class, you can put off your lessons and assignments until you feel more prepared. 

Increased Access

Students must live and work near campus when physical learning is the only option. Not only that, but you must be available for lectures when and where they’re held. 

Can you only make it to class three days a week or live in a remote location? That’s no problem with online and hybrid learning. 

Students from across California can participate in online and hybrid courses. Many hybrid courses require only a few days per course on campus. And if your class is purely online, you could even take a class offered in another county. 

Another way online formats boost access to education is through technology. Physical books don’t offer the same accessibility technology can provide for differently-abled persons. Enable text-to-speech and other accessibility settings needed to support your learning style. 

Higher Affordability

Taking a course, even partially online, is almost always less expensive than physical courses. Tuition tends to be lower, it takes less time to get your degree, and you can access materials online instead of buying pricey books.

The only downside to hybrid and online learning is that you must have access to a computer or laptop.

Still, the up-front investment is worth it, considering the money you save in the long term, especially if you’re taking more than one online or hybrid class. 

Gain Self-Discipline Abilities

When you’re not in the classroom every week, the lecturer is not around to remind you about due dates. This will help teach you self-discipline, which is an invaluable skill in the workplace. 

Online and hybrid learning also teaches you time management skills. Since you’ll learn at your own pace, you choose which assignments to prioritize and when. 

This can be a challenge if you lack strong organizational abilities, but you’ll build these skills along the way. And feel assured because you can easily access that information online if you forget about a due date. 

Learn At Your Own Pace

Not all students have the same learning style, and everyone learns at a different pace.

Yet, when you have to attend physical class, there’s no such thing as self-pacing. You must keep up with the lectures and materials like everyone else in the class. If you can’t, you risk falling behind. 

Online and hybrid learning eliminate this problem. You can review slides for as long as needed and rewatch lectures as often as you want. Submit your materials as quickly or as slowly as your schedule permits. 

This also removes the boundaries of teaching office hours. With online and blended learning, you can email your instructor whenever you need. 

Why Hybrid Learning Is Better Than Purely Online Learning

Hybrid courses offer the best of online and in-classroom learning. And according to 33% of US colleges, this blended learning style is here to stay. 

Check out the top four reasons why so many students choose hybrid education over purely online courses. 

More Networking Opportunities

Getting a degree isn’t just about the education you obtain. It’s also about the connections you make with your instructors and peers. But with pure online courses, you don’t have these networking opportunities. 

Hybrid learning encourages flexibility while also providing the social aspect of education. And that’s a good thing since 60% of students generally feel more comfortable with online and in-person learning. 

An Introduction to Purely Online Learning

Is there a pure online course you need to take for your degree? Are you worried you can’t handle it because you’ve never taken a 100% online class before?

Hybrid classes can prepare you for online-only course requirements without throwing you straight into the deep end.

You’ll spend around half of your time learning how to use the online format. However, the added in-person sessions will give you the chance to ask questions and seek help when you feel overwhelmed by the online aspect. 

A Higher Degree of Accountability

No face-to-face interaction in purely online courses means less accountability. This is one reason why anywhere from 40%–80% of purely online students eventually drop out of their course.

With hybrid learning, you get the in-person classroom time you need. You can re-energize your love for the topic, renew your focus, and remember why you signed up for the course in the first place. 

Suitable For All Learning Styles

There is a reason students who do better in physical classrooms struggle with online formats, and students who thrive online do poorly in class. The reason is that everyone has different learning styles. 

Fully online courses make it difficult to cater to people who need that in-person component. However, hybrid education is different. 

Students who learn best on their own will love the online component. Audio learners can watch and rewatch lectures to their hearts’ content. And visual learners can access and study slides throughout the entire course.

At the same time, extroverts and social learners can get their in-person fix. Every hybrid course is different, but many offer physical lectures up to one time per week.

Enroll In Intercoast’s Hybrid Programs

Online and hybrid learning are starting to take precedence over in-person education. If you’re trying to decide between online learning vs. hybrid learning, choosing a blended option can offer you the best of both physical and digital learning formats.

Are you searching for a hybrid Electrical Training, or a Hybrid HVAC Technician program? You’ve come to the right place. Get in touch with us to find out how you can enroll in our blended learning programs today!