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How to Take Charge and Overcome Anxiety When Learning Online

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

What do you do when things in your life get tough? When people in your family are looking up to you to shoulder more responsibility than you’re ready for? Are you going to give up and throw in the towel?

Of course, you’re not, and that’s why you’re here. Things may be seemingly over for you right now, but there are ways to overcome anxiety and challenges, especially when it comes to learning online.

We all face anxiety at some point or another, but how you respond to that anxiety will help set the precedence for the rest of your life. We want to offer some guidance that can help reduce the amount of tension and stress you feel when tackling online learning so that you can achieve the goals you’ve set for yourself and your education.

Life + School: Finding the Balance

One of the biggest challenges in online learning is learning to balance everyday life with your educational studies. When you’ve got to work, watch younger siblings, and do other responsibilities, how is it possible to balance all these things with school?

You’ve got to learn to find a balance between your life and your studies, whether creating a schedule and sticking to it or setting aside the same block of time every day to get your work done.

We get that there are going to be times when you’re too tired to study because you’ve just left work, but you’ve got to hold on to the thought that in the end, it will all be worth it. And who knows, you might become your own boss one day instead of working for someone else.

Reduce Daily Stressors

There is stress all around us, and we’re all guilty of allowing life’s stresses to stop us in our tracks from accomplishing goals that we’ve set for ourselves. What’s your favorite hobby?

Above, we touched on finding balance in your daily and academic life. This also means finding a way to reduce the amount of stress that you feel regularly. While celebrities can visit the spa as much as they want, we all don’t have that luxury.

Take some time to hang out with friends or enjoy a day doing something that you genuinely want. You’ll find that relaxing doing something you like to do is the perfect way to reduce the tension from everyday stresses.

When you’re less stressed, you’ll find that you’re able to focus more on what you need to accomplish that day.

Learn to Prioritize

The format of online learning programs isn’t the same as physically being in school. Instead, most online platforms provide you with all the assignments and learning resources at once. This is because students can work at their own pace and get assignments done on a flexible schedule.

The issue with this format is that it can be an overwhelming task to take on when you see everything at once. A way to reduce anxiety when looking at the work that needs to be completed is by prioritizing the work that needs to be done.

Make a list of assignments that may take longer and do them first. You’re ensuring that you’ve got the energy necessary to get everything done by doing them first. Tasks that aren’t going to take as long or don’t require as much time can be saved for last.

What Motivates You?

When it comes to handling online classes, another huge issue is finding the motivation to get things done. We’ve all got the notion that we can get it done eventually and continue to put things off.

But, there is no time like the present, and the best way to get up and get your work done is by finding what motivates you. What drives you to succeed? What is your reason for seeking more education?

Understanding what motivates you will help during those times when you’re feeling “over it” and don’t want to do anything. Those times when the pull to stay in bed is overpowering the fact that you need to get up and complete a couple of quizzes.

Find your motivation and remind yourself daily of it to continue pushing forward. Post stick notes set a daily reminder on your phone, and create a mood board. Whatever you need to do to stay motivated, we recommend you do.

Be Patient With Yourself

Some people work faster than others, and some work slower. Learn to be patient with yourself and don’t compare what you can accomplish in one day to what others can achieve in a day.

Everyone learns at their own pace, and you’ll find that remaining patient with yourself is a huge part of your future success.

Learning Online: Congratulations, You’ve Scored 100%

There are many reasons that someone might find learning online overwhelming and find themselves suffering from anxiety. But, life is about taking lemons and making a dashing lemonade and enjoying it.

There will be times when you want to give up and feel as though it’s not worth it to continue. Understanding those thoughts are there out of fear because you know the fantastic things you’re destined for.

One way to accomplish that and unlock your future is by continuing with your education. Intercoast is here to help you with furthering your education. Contact us today so we can tell you about the various degree program options waiting for you.

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