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Fast Track to Success: The Top 10 Fastest Growing Allied Health Careers

Fast Track to Success: The Top 10 Fastest Growing Allied Health Careers

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Are you passionate about helping people in a healthcare setting, and in search of the best career options for you?

Since 2017, according to the BLS, as of November 2019, healthcare has held the largest share of jobs compared to any other sector, and that is only expected to continue.

Moreover, becoming a medical doctor is far from your only option if you would like to be employed by the healthcare industry.

Rather, allied health careers can be an ideal option for those that would like a stable and well-paying career that also improves the lives of patients, directly or indirectly.

While nearly all healthcare jobs are a good option, it is also important to consider the fastest-growing careers in the current job market for optimal employment outcomes.

Read on to learn ten of the best career options for those interested in the allied healthcare field.

Top Ten Growing Allied Health Careers 

There is an abundance of career choices for anyone passionate about healthcare, from administration and business office work to hands-on interactions with patients.

The allied health industry can be a great option for those not interested in more than four years of higher education, though some of these roles can require more or less than that.

Here are the top ten growing careers in the allied healthcare field at this time.

1. Speech-Language Pathologists

The role of speech-language pathologists, also known as speech therapists, is to assess, diagnose, and treat patients with problems related to communication and swallowing. They can also help prevent issues related to these.

According to the BLS, as of November 2019, This field is expected to grow much faster than average between 2016 and 2026, with a growth rate of 18%.

2. Healthcare Office Assistant

If you like working in an office environment and avoiding bodily fluids as much as possible, healthcare administration and services might be a good fit for you.

Typically, medical administration can involve anything from data entry to appointment setting, and working with patients and insurance companies for services.

There are also ample opportunities as an office manager, coder, or receptionist depending on your interests.

3. Physician Assistant

This is one of the biggest growing professions in allied healthcare, and the need for more Physician Assistants is huge. According to the BLS, as of November 2019, there is an expected growth rate of 31% between 2018 and 2028.

The role of this job is to work alongside doctors in treating, diagnosing, and helping patients. 

It is a great fit for anyone that is interested in becoming a doctor but does not want to undergo as much of the time commitment.

4. Ultrasound Technician

This career, also known as diagnostic medical sonographers, uses a special medical device called ultrasound to take images of a patient’s organs. This is a vital role in the diagnostic process.

Moreover, it does generally require an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, unless you are coming from a different healthcare field. If so, there is a one-year certificate you can pursue instead.

5. Medical Assistant

A medical assistant is generally responsible for administrative, and minor clinical tasks in a healthcare setting.

There isn’t any required training for this career, however, many offices prefer candidates with one to two years of vocational training.

6. Public Health

While this isn’t a singular position, the field of public health and preventative healthcare solutions is responsible for much of the growth in other healthcare careers.

Within the field of public health, there is an opportunity to become a health educator, or community health worker, as well as many other health-related roles.

It is a good fit for those that prefer a preventative approach to healthcare in a solutions-oriented light.

In this industry, you can choose to earn a bachelor’s or master’s degree, depending on the level of specialization.

7. Laboratory Technologist

If you are science-minded, becoming a Clinical Laboratory Technologist may be the perfect fit.

The role of this profession is to collect and analyze samples of tissue, blood, or other substances in diagnostic laboratories or doctor’s offices.

Generally, you need a bachelor’s degree and a license to be a technologist. 

8. Health Information Technician

Health data is something that all healthcare professionals house, and there will always be a need to manage this data to ensure both its accessibility and security.

The role of a health information technician is just that. They protect the data and maintain its database, as well as update it as need be.

Usually, only a postsecondary certificate is required to enter this profession, but some employers may require an associate’s degree.

9. Respiratory Therapist

This allied health career, also known as respiratory care practitioners, involves administering respiratory therapy and diagnostic tests.

It requires an associate’s degree, and it is a good option for those searching for a high-paying, low-barrier entry into healthcare.

10. Occupational Therapist

This career is fairly broad, and the day-to-day tasks can vary based on your employer.

Their main role is to help injured, ill, or disabled individuals through therapeutic techniques. The focus is on what movements or activities are needed for the patient’s daily functioning.

Take a Step Towards Your Career

It’s a good idea to look for any sites specific to your field for salary data. These sites may have info on industry average wages, particularly if your field’s a rarer one.

Through allied health careers, you can have a wide variety of options that you can choose from based on your individual interests and skills.

Education is the perfect way to get started, and through accessible programs that allow you to work during them, you can easily begin to move in the direction of your dream career.

Check out our degree programs for more information about offerings, and make the commitment today for a brighter future in the healthcare field.

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Daniel Pernarh
Daniel Pernarh
1 year ago

Great work

I want to know if having background in medical laboratory technology can be given admission to study physician assistant course in your school?

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