CCAPP – Testimonials

“We’ve been a partner with ICC for over 10 years, and we’ve got to see thousands of individuals go through ICC and go through our certification and registration, and we’ve been great collaborative partners over the years. So it’s always great to have a school that will work with you and really wants to understand the credentialing system, what that means, and how they can help navigate the students. It was really great to hear the student, his testimony on how the school helps him even today on getting through the system.
And that’s what I really like about ICC, is that they assist the students and help them, and it’s not just about them receiving the education. It’s also about them continuing on their career path and being able to have the career of their dreams and then move forth and help others and become Drug and Alcohol Counselors. And I’ve always appreciated that aspect of ICC and their dedication to not only the students, but the community and their ongoing support and growth, so that is a truly amazing quality of InterCoast Colleges, and I really appreciate that.”
Pete Nielsen – CCAPP