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Author: Thomas (Thomas Ferriere)

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How Long Does It Take to Become an Electrician?

How Long Does It Take to Become an Electrician?

Are you interested in becoming an electrician? It can be an exciting and rewarding career choice. According to the BLS, as of November 2019, the job outlook shows that demand will be higher than the average between now and 2028.  You have to take a process and a path to become an electrician. How long...

What Is an Electrical Trainee Card and How Do I Obtain One?

What Is an Electrical Trainee Card and How Do I Obtain One?

  If you’re interested in becoming an electrician in California, be aware of one thing. This career doesn’t happen overnight! Your first step is to become an electrical trainee, eligible to work on job sites as you work towards your professional license. Read further to find out more about how to qualify for an electrical...

trade school careers

Trade School Careers: Why Trade Schools Result In High Demand Job Opportunities For Its Graduates

The economy is currently experiencing a nationwide labor shortage of skilled jobs. Employers are finding it tough to fill these gaps for many reasons. The biggest reason is that their skilled labor is retiring en masse. Baby boomers that decided to work into their 70s are unable or unwilling to continue working to the bone....

electrical certification

How to Get Real-World Experience While Receiving Your Electrical Certification

Did you know that only 41% of Californians that took their electrician certification test actually passed it in 2019? That means that three out of five future electricians in the Golden State could really benefit from electrical training.  If you’re someone who’s looking to sign up for California electrical training, then there’s no better time...

management resume

Moving On Up: How to Prepare Your First Administration Management Resume

Did you know that upwards of three million management job openings sit on LinkedIn right now? These posts advertise jobs all over the globe and include big-name companies such as Lockheed Martin, Mastercard, and FedEx. While job openings change in number and frequency from day to day, one thing’s for sure. If you’re not applying for management positions,...

Successful Strategies for Not Falling Behind in School

Successful Strategies for Not Falling Behind in School

If you’re feeling stressed about your college work, you’re not alone. In fact, did you know 1 out of 5 students say they feel stressed most of the time? With such a huge number of students struggling, what’s the underlying issue? Many students feel overwhelmed trying to balance work, family, classes, and an ever-growing pile of homework. If...

How to Become an Electrical Trainee in California

How to Become an Electrical Trainee in California

Do you enjoy working with your hands and have a knack for problem-solving? Are you good at math and physics? Are you detailed oriented and dependable? If that sounds like you, then you might make a great electrician. Choosing a new career can be exciting, but the questions that follow can be overwhelming. How will...