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Five Reasons Why Those in Recovery Enter into A Career of Alcohol and Drug Counseling

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

There are many types of counselors ranging from speech and marriage to rehabilitation and trauma. However, a good Alcohol and Drug counselor’s advice and guidance are not only valuable but potentially life-saving.

Most people wonder what could compel someone to open their time and heart to addicts and potential societal misfits. It could be that people with similar life experiences are compelled to make a difference to those in recovery.

I have never worked as an alcohol and drug counselor, but I have the utmost respect for those that do. Neither have I been through recovery, but I have helped my friends who have. My front-row seat to their highs and lows during recovery gave me insight and understanding of others’ pain I did not have before.

I believe there is an honor in wanting to devote yourself to the service to others and want to live up to your highest potential.

Here are five existential reasons I feel people in recovery enter into a career of Alcohol and drug counseling career.


They realized that focusing on themselves was crucial for attracting and being their highest version in recovery. The game-changer was when they realized they had more to offer others when they focused on themselves. And with much knowledge comes much responsibility.

They knew they had to get those in recovery to stop believing the lies about putting themselves first. They knew they had to convince those in recovery to stop living to please others. They knew if they could get addicts to truly love themselves, they would change the whole trajectory of their lives.

And as we all know, love is the highest vibration and frequency you can operate on. That type of energy is not just powerful, it’s contagious, and those who go through recovery see firsthand how it can be yielded to benefit those in crisis.


They deduced that they could save more lives once they figured out most people lacked discipline, not motivation, to fight addiction. They saw how unrealistic it was for them or anyone to think motivation alone was going to be an end to all their compulsion to relapse. Through trial and error, the building block for success revealed itself.

Discipline is the strongest form of self-love. They knew they had to help those in recovery and make discipline essential for their daily rituals. They knew If they could get those in recovery to get that, they would finally start respecting themselves, stop lying to themselves, and finally begin to hold themselves accountable.

Those who go through recovery and into counseling want to encourage those who enter recovery to take one-hundred percent ownership of the good and one-hundred percent ownership of the bad in their lives. They want them to take charge of their lives.

They want them to realize they are the ‘clog’ in the cog. They want them to stop self-sabotaging themselves. They want to make it clear that discipline is what gives them freedom from their addiction. They want them to do what they do not want to do today so that they will have tomorrow, which others will not.


They found bliss on the other side of hell. They died and were reborn anew. They experienced tears of joy after successfully going through recovery. And then they started noticing their positive effect on people around them. They got inspired to do more.

It didn’t get past them that they were only open to healing themselves because they started loving themselves. Once they began loving themselves, something clicked. Next thing you know, they forgive themselves and start forgiving others. And l then bam! They set themselves up for success.

A lightbulb goes off when they realize they have to champion the importance of healing traumas so that others can ascend to their higher self. Because sadly, they know most people will never evolve to their highest selves. But they do not let them deter them in the slightest—just the opposite.

They know it is easier for people to make the same choices over and over with the devil they know. They know it takes courage to face your demons head-on to heal past traumas. They also know as uncomfortable as it is, it is well worth it.


They finally grew up and made a conscious effort to raise their standards. They became the change they wished for. That spark of energy permeated every part of their life. They started setting boundaries, which aided in ridding them of toxicity.

They started eating better, looking better, and building better relationships with their family, friends, and co-workers. They manifested a better life. They became aware of their potential and felt compelled to use it for good to share with others. And not only that but a belief that they can make a difference.

With that belief came confidence in their ability to give back and heal others. And each person that they help along the way fuels their fire and goes towards penance for their redemption.


They not only made it through the darkness, but the darkness also made them. Those who didn’t quit and got through recovery discovered that what doesn’t break you makes you. In the trenches, they built character.

They kept going, even when they had nothing left in the tank. Despite the odds, they defied the odds. They decided to benefit from their pain. They turned tragedy into triumph. They found beauty in the ashes.

They know that growth only occurs when they’re out of their comfort zone. They found out that when you’re able to thrive in the storm, you become an inspiration to others around you. They stretched their faith and, in the process, became so much more.

Who better to relate to someone in treatment than someone who’s been through hell and back, succeeded, and won.

Ps. If I had to compress all five reasons into one, it would simply be destiny.

Contact InterCoast today about a career in Addiction Studies

While many careers are dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction, becoming a knowledgeable and skilled counselor is one of the best. You will have the opportunity to work directly with clients and assist them on the road to recovery.

We’re committed to educating passionate individuals about substance use disorder treatment, including co-occurring disorders. Contact us with any remaining questions that you have about our program, its timeframes and fees, and how we can assist you in fulfilling your career objectives.

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