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Author: Thomas (Thomas Ferriere)

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Make a Difference and Change Lives: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Become a Drug and Alcohol Counselor

Make a Difference and Change Lives: A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Become a Drug and Alcohol Counselor

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (as of December 2020), in 2019, the median salary for a full-time, experienced drug and alcohol counselor was $46,240. The job outlook for individuals seeking work in this field is also strong. The BLS anticipates its growth rate at 25% for the next ten years. This is more than six...

trade schools

What Are the Benefits of Trade Schools?

Does the thought of committing to four (or more!) years of school make you want to run away screaming? You could join the military, but then again, that’s also a massive commitment. What if you could get hands-on instruction in classes that excite you?  Trade schools, also known as vocational schools, are viable opportunities for...


What Does It Take to Become an Electrician in California?

Today’s focus will be on California’s requirements, although much of the information will be more broadly applicable, too. Without further delay, join us as we explain everything you need to get started down this exciting career path! What Does It Take to Become an Electrician in California? The obvious first step to becoming an electrician...

Career Change Advice for Adults: Top Tips for Shifting Field

Career Change Advice for Adults: Top Tips for Shifting Field

Did you know that many people will change careers 3 to 7 times throughout their adult life?  Given how many people change careers many times throughout their lives, it’s essential to know what careers are the best to change. People should know the top jobs for shifting fields, and the best career change advice out...

10 Key Tips That Will Help You Land Your Very First HVAC Job

10 Key Tips That Will Help You Land Your Very First HVAC Job

70  percent of all new HVAC businesses fail within the first year of operations. Currently, more than 105,000 HVAC companies are operating in the United States. With such a high number of industry players, landing your first job as a newbie can be hectic.  Are you a fresh HVAC technician hoping to get your first HVAC...

medical assistant

Key Questions to Ask Yourself Before Becoming a Medical Assistant

Are you planning on getting into the medical field, but you’re not committed yet? You’re not alone; according to the BLS, as of September 2020, the healthcare field is expected to grow nearly 14% by 2028, making it the fastest-growing field in the United States. Medical assistants specifically are seeing even more significant growth. If...