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Website Accessibility

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Accessibility & Nondiscrimination Notice

InterCoast Colleges complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. InterCoast Colleges does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. We are committed to making our website assessable to everyone.
Accessibility Commitment
InterCoast Colleges is committed to making our programs, benefits, services and facilities, and information and communications technology accessible to everyone, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), and relevant implementing regulations. For more information, please refer to the following overviews:
Section 504 Overview
Section 508 Overview
Help Viewing our Information
Below are some software and methods to help view our website and information better.
BrowseAloud is browser plug-in for people who find it difficult to read online. By reading text aloud and highlighting the words as they are spoken, BrowseAloud can help people with learning disabilities, English as a second language, and mild visual impairments. To learn more visit
Increase text size
With almost all modern web browsers you can hold down the Ctrl key (Command key on a Macintosh) and press the + (plus) key to increase text size or – (minus) key to reduce text size.
Magnify your screen
If enlarging the text is not enough to make the page easily readable, the next step is to magnify your screen. Recent versions of Windows include magnification software, which will allow you to increase text to a very large size.
The Windows magnifier is limited in its functionality, however, so many visually impaired users find they need a more sophisticated magnification software program. Here is a list of screen magnifier products: Lunar, MAGic, Apple Magnifiation and ZoomText
Change background and text colors
Some website users have difficulty reading text on a web page because of the background or text colors, or because of the way colors contrast with each other. Contact your current browser support to learn how to change the background or text colors.
Make your mouse pointer more visible
The mouse pointer is sometimes hard to see. A Windows feature can help you locate it. (Some mouse drivers or software may not have this feature). Not all versions of Windows behave the same and you may need to refer to Windows help pages for further assistance.
Use the Keyboard to Navigate Screens
Use these common keyboard commands to navigate web pages without a mouse. Some keystrokes may not work with every Internet browser.
IF you want to… THEN select
Move forward from link to link or to controls Tab
Move backward from link to link or to controls Shift + Tab
Select buttons Spacebar
Navigate and select Radio Buttons Arrow
Select/deselect boxes Spacebar
Move from box to box Tab
Open a List Box ALT + Down arrow
Read the prior screen CTRL + Page Up
Read the next screen CTRL + Page Down
Go to the top of the page CTRL + Home
Go to the bottom of the page CTRL + End
Close the current window (in Internet Explorer) CTRL + W
Refresh the screen F5
Go back a page ALT + Left Arrow
Go forward a page ALT + Right Arrow
Navigate to & select the text in the address combo box ALT + D
Navigate Forms
Filling out any form on this website is best accomplished in a Forms or Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) mode. This allows you to tab to controls and fill input fields, radio buttons, check boxes and list boxes. Instructional text usually occurs at the beginning of these screens and can be accessed in non-MSAA or virtual-cursor mode.
Get Link Details using Title Attributes
These links usually have a title attribute that describes the link in more detail. In order for screen readers to speak this additional information, it must be configured to speak the title attribute instead of the screen text. Please refer to your screen reader documentation for specific procedures, but this is usually a verbosity, configuration, or similar setting.
Finding your keyboard or mouse hard to use?
If you find a keyboard or mouse difficult to use, the following information explains how to use speech recognition software to navigate web pages and online services on
Speech recognition software allows the user to move focus to an application object by voicing the object label name or the object type.
Object types include:
• Text Box
• List Box
• Link
• Image
• Screen
• File
Each of these object types are given a label name that is visible on the screen and the voice user can say the name to move focus to that object. A screen, an application or file can be accessed by voicing the text in the Title Bar.
If the screen design does not allow moving focus by voicing a label or an object type then the speech recognition software may provide a utility to move the mouse pointer in discrete steps or continuously.
InterCoast College has designed web pages and applications to utilize several different methods of using speech in order to provide flexibility in using speech recognition capabilities. Users should try combinations of these methods to determine what best meets an individual’s needs. Learn about Dragon NaturallySpeaking software by searching Google to locate their site.
Hearing Impairment
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, there are several accessibility features available to you.
Accessibility features
• volume control
• captioning
• all information and alerts conveyed via audio are also conveyed visually
Volume control
• click the Start button
• click “Control Panel”
• click “Hardware and Sound”
• click “Adjust System Volume”
• use the volume control to increase or decrease sound to the desired level
A text transcript is a text equivalent of audio information that includes spoken words and non-spoken sounds such as sound effects.
Additional Help
If at any time you need assistance you can contact InterCoast College directly by calling 818.672.2100 or by emailing